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Best microwave meals -web developer friendly

The Best meals for software developers and web designers!!! (oh and students of course!). These lovely fast microwave treats are sure to energise you at the keyboard! But just be sure not to have them too often as they are not good for the old waistline!!

Super frothy milk for that latte

If you love lattes and cappuccinos like most digital agency staff do!! (not to mention lots of other people of course), save yourself the expense of buying them from chain cafe stores. Ingredients-wise, this is not really a full recipe, but it works very well!!. Enjoy your own frothy coffees at home, or get a little reusable cup to drink them on your commutev into the university!.

Milk (yes, that’s it).
Fill an empty jam jar (or any microwavable cup that has a lid) up to halfway full, depending on how much milk you like with your coffee.
Screw the lid on and shake the jar for up to 60 seconds until it starts looking really foamy.
Take the lid off and put it in in the microwave for 30 seconds.
It will froth up and be ready for you to add to a nice drink of your choice.

Microwave mug cake – a true classic

The microwave mug cake is a total classic. But, all too often, it can turn out a bit eggy, or just generally quite ‘bleurgh’. Don’t worry, though – this recipe works perfectly!!.

It should be enough to serve two people, and it’s great with a scoop of vanilla ice cream.

2 tablespoons of cocoa powder
4 tablespoons of self-raising flour
4 tablespoons of caster sugar
3 tablespoons of milk
3 tablespoons of oil (vegetable/sunflower)
1 small or medium egg
1 teaspoon of vanilla essence
2 tablespoons of chocolate chips or nuts (optional).
Add the dry ingredients to a big mug and mix together. Like a decent sized mug or the cake will be tiny and bulge out!

Crack the egg in and stir until it’s all combined.
Then, chuck in the remaining ingredients, adding in the chocolate chips or nuts last (if you’re using them).
Put it in the microwave for 2–3 minutes, or until it stops rising!!.
Stand back and admire your handiwork , then do the tast test!
Add icing as required

Awesome microwave pasta

We nearly always cook our pasta in the microwave here at SEO Leaders !! – it’s a low-effort way, but not many people know that you can do it and do it well!.

Cold water.
Put your pasta into a microwavable container and cover with cold water. If you want to cook a long type of pasta like spaghetti you can try using a special microwave pasta container like the Fasta Pasta or similar.
Put the microwave on for 10 minutes, and check the pasta. If it doesn’t seem quite done, put it on for a few more minutes. Dont do it for too long or it will turn to goo, but is usually still edible!
Drain and serve.

I am the founder of SEO Leaders and have been involved in the internet and web development in one way or another for over 20 years. Since founding SEO Leaders some 6 years ago I have been heavily involved in web develepment, Digital PR and technical SEO for a wide variety of projects. I hope to enlighten you on a wide range of topics related to my chosen profession!

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