Your student loan has been and gone and your running low on funds. Maybe the bank of Mum and Dad isn’t an option and you really need a part time job. Panic not, there is plenty of possibilities.
If you are a Sheffield student, we are in a bustling city so there are always plenty of jobs around!
1. Barista. Students love coffee.. Ok, so this doesn’t make you a Barrista but it should does help if you wanted a job in a prime coffee shop to learn the trade.
2. Bartender. Ok so in current times of COVID this wasn’t such a great option, but with pubs and bars open again this could be a good one. Demand for people wanting to go out will be through the roof, and there is likely to be part time work available in many busier places
3. Office/admin. If you’re venturing into an office job upon graduation, get those skills sooner rather than later. You can learn some tricks of the trade, and the necessity to arrive on time, and smart is a great skill for some (by no means all) students to refine.

- Retail.Are your customer service skills great? May be time to put this to the test. While retail has taken a swipe from the COVID pandemic it is going to bounce back and BIG! People are sick of internet orders and want to be shopping in person again.
- Cleaner. Are you a busy bee on the old housekeeping side? There is often cleaning work to be had and it can pay decently, certainly as a sideline. The only proviso is that often the hours are quite inflexible (eg mornings 9-11 in XYZ office) so you need to be sure your timetable can handle it.
- SEO Leaders. If you are a tech savvy student and want a career with a web design agency or seo agency (which is what we do here at SEO Leaders!) then drop us a contact form and see if we have any vacancies!
We hope we’ve given you some inspiration on how to plump up your student lifestyle! And know that if your smart with your choice of part time work, you can always the skills and street smarts you gained there in your job applications when you finish your university course.